The search for an ideal esthetic material for restoring teeth has resulted in significant improvements in esthetic materials and techniques for using them. Composite and the acid etch technique represent two major advances in restorative dentistry. The development of polymeric dental composites has revolutionized the field of dentistry over the past 30 years. This development has been achieved mainly through organic monomer discovery, modifications in formulation and filler technology, advances in light curing equipment and efficient photo initiators. Despite these developmental advances, dental composites are still limited by problems such as polymerization shrinkage and wear resistance. The post -gel polymerization shrinkage causes significant stresses in the surrounding tooth structure and composite tooth bonding leading to premature restoration failure. With recent advances in nanotechnology and nano materials, it is postulated that mechanical properties and polymerization shrinkage of dental composites can be significantly improved. This book will focus on several recent advances of nanotechnology implementation into dental composites. This book is written in a lucid and compact style exclusively for dental student. It provides sequential presentation of nanocomposite with suitable tables, charts and flow charts for easy understanding.